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How Frequently Should You Repaint Your Walls?



Now, when you walk into a home, or any room for that matter, the exquisite decor nor the expensive rug, the Palanquin-like King-Size Bed isn’t what catches your eye at first sight. Yep, you guessed it, the interior wall painting comes first. And it’s not a thing to be taken lightly if you are a socially active person. One’s interior walls and decor speak a lot, if they aren’t given the priority they should be given, they might not give your much-needed boost in morality or impression.

Most of the time the hallways will need painting, which is due to a lot of wear and tear over the years, check out for scuff marks, fingerprints, dents, and worn corners. From the corridor in your home to the entryway and staircases, all of them will likely have these signs of damage. While you can whitewash your walls, eventually you will have to make a decision to get a fresh coat of paint. By repainting those walls every couple of years, you can keep your house looking fresh and tidy.

Adults’ bedrooms rarely need to be repainted, unless there is a change in furniture or there is a problem with leakage on the walls. Children’s bedrooms, on the other hand, often need to be painted every couple of years. One of the reasons can be due to children growing and changing as they age, so their choices and preferences change along with that.

When Red might be their favorite colour, for now, they may take a liking to green and blue later on. Another reason can be that kids spend a lot of time in their rooms, especially during this pandemic period, which can bring wear to the walls. It may be the scribbles on the walls, scuffing of their shoes, their cute sticky hands running along the wall, and other such activities that can take a toll on your paint.

The other busy areas include kitchens and bathrooms. They are practically the busiest rooms and make them need repainting more often. Kitchens often possess surprise stains, grease, and smoke marks, while bathrooms get problems with moisture and humidity. Paint My Walls takes extra care with the repainting, so the marks can be easily wiped down and will endure the humidity in Bathrooms, as well as the kitchens. Repainting your kitchens and bathrooms every 3-4 years is good to go for the most part.

The other rooms at home: the dining room, living room, spare bedrooms, etc. tend to need less repainting, probably because adults and kids don’t spend much time in comparison to their bedrooms and rooms with other amenities, eliminating the need for a total revamp. You are safe to go for at least 5 years between painting these rooms.

PaintMyWalls presents a beautiful assortment of dashing colours and intricate designs, so you don’t have to worry about regretting your decision to repaint those worn walls. We are the best at what we do, and our work and quality speak for themselves!

Also read: Is It Necessary to Put Wall Putty in Repainting?

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