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Five Home Paint Colours to Try This Summer



5 Home Paint Colours

Be cool and summery this season with your home’s splash of cool summer Home Paint Colours. Paint your home with soft and sober Home Paint Colours to give an edgy look. The summer season is the best time to paint your home, so we are putting light on some of the Home Paint Colors that you can choose to paint your walls this summer.

1. Florida Pink

Put a coat of pink on your walls this summer to feel the warmth and cheeriness at your home. Pink is a soothing colour and has the ability to cheer the surroundings.  The color is just too amazing for your walls; compliment them with accessories and decor. Trust me; you are going to get praise every time your guests show up.

2. Parsley Tint

This Pale aqua green reminds us of the ocean when it is very clear and you can see the sand through it. Feel refreshed and calm from this color wave and feel the pristine touch of nature.

3. Lemon Yellow

This is one of the most hippy and exotic colors to paint your home this summer. Go yellowish and spread the hippies around the world. This color will surely help in creating a sunny and happy mode at your home.

4. Potpourri Green

This classy color will definitely add value and class to your home this summer. Green symbolizes peace and purity. So, this summer, why don’t you go green and embrace the sheer bliss of peace and tranquillity?

5. Monica Blue

This is one of the most luring colors to most of us. They look perfect on your walls and have a strong synchronization capability. This color is simply elegance overloaded. Paint a coat of blue this summer and feel the look.

Keep calm and color your home in this summer season and rejuvenate yourself

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